Our Therapies
Our Services
Mind-Body Therapies
Mind-Body therapies are often seen as "alternative" therapies and are the safest and most effective therapies available. They are also therapies that affect a person both physically and mentally.
In order to quickly reduce a person's stress level, we teach an effective method of deep breathing and meditation and make recommendations in diet, sleep and exercise habits and additionally we administer EMDR therapy. EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing has been found to reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and to and to significantly reduce the symptoms of any anxiety, including phobias and panic disorder.
EMDR is considered to be a neurological therapy because it uses brain stimulation to work. It was discovered in the late 1980's by Francine Shapiro, PHD, and was first studied on Vietnam Veterans who were diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
There are three very simple and easy ways to administer this therapy. Please contact us to discuss the use of this therapy more fully.
There are approximately 100,000 mental health professionals in the United States currently using EMDR to relieve these symptoms in their clients. Some patients only need two or three hour-long sessions to relieve their lifelong anxieties.
Psychotherapy is what most mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers and counselors use to improve the functioning of their patients. It is simply "talk" therapy.
Of course the “talk” is a little bit different from everyday conversation- it often involves asking pertinent questions to help a patient to took at his/her problem from a different perspective, focusing on the feelings of the patient and trying to help the patient try out new ways of solving his life's dilemmas.
This type of therapy, if used alone, can be quite time-consuming, but is very useful when it is used in conjunction of the other mind-body therapies.
Medication Therapy
Medication therapy is also known as drug therapy and only a psychiatrist or another physician may prescribe drugs to affect improved thinking and behavior in the patient. It can often work quickly to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of depression, anxiety, extreme mood changes or irrational thinking, but it does not always help the patient find solutions to problems and often has unwanted side effects.
We recommend this therapy when needed in addition to psychotherapy and the mind-body therapies. Some of our clients come to us already taking medication and we supplement this with psychotherapy and the mind-body therapies.